On Mondays, I usually leave to volunteer at the hospital for a few hours and then have class. Due to the H1N1 ordeal and no longer having class (woohoo), Riley, Daddy and I were able to spend a day together getting things done around the house and running errands. Something about putting huge flowers on Riley's head and intricate outfits and shoes bugs him I guess, so we stuck with simple today on our outings. This is the Matilda Jane Brownie Lap dress that I adore OH so much paired with some Converse and a "headband" from Coach. That's right, I combined my two loves. She has a few Coach headbands and wore them all the time last summer, but then I started getting comments from hoodlums on how cute they were and dropped the fashion statement. This year, I think it works.
I think I may be on the hunt for the next size up Brownie though :(
I love this dress!! I keep trying to get it on Ebay but the bidding always gets higher than I really want to spend!! :) Maybe one day...